• given a query vertex q in G, to find as outputall the densely connected subgraphs of G, each of whichcontains the query v.

  • community detection problem, community search.

  • In this paper, we study the community searchproblem in the truss-based model aimed at discovering alldense and cohesive k-truss communities to which the query vertex q belongs.

  • Consequently,all the edges of G can be partitioned to a series of k-truss equivalence classes that constitute a space-ecient, trusspreserving index structure, EquiTruss.

  • TCP-Index.


  • Given a graph G, a k-truss (k >= 2) is the largest subgraph of G with each constituent edge contained in at least (k - 2) triangles.

  • modelling real-world community structures, including clique or quasiclique, k-core , k-truss , and nucleus , to name a few.

1.1 choice of k-truss by the following important facts

  • (1) as opposed to primitive vertices/edges, the higher-order graph motif, triangle, is exploited as building blocks to quantify the strong and stable relationships in communities .
    As a result, the high-density and cohesiveness of real-world
    communities can be encoded in k-truss with strong theoretical
    guarantees (more details will be elaborated in Section
  • (2) k-truss enables a comprehensive modelling of
    multiple, overlapping communities in G. By tuning the parameter
    k, we can derive a collection of k-truss communities
    that form an inclusive, dense-graph hierarchy representing
    the cores of G at varied levels of granularity [26];
  • (3) discovering
    all k-trusses from G is polynomially tractable [33],
    while most existing dense-graph models render the community
    search problem NP-hard [13, 6]. As a consequence, ktruss
    has been extensively employed for community search in real-world networked applications [12, 14, 13, 11, 33].

a toy graph G

1.2 the concept of k-truss equivalence

given two edges e and e0 of G, they are k-truss equivalent if and only if they belong to the same k-truss, and are further connected by a series of triangles in a strong sense (modeled by the notion of k-triangle connectivity in Definition 9).


2.1 Preliminaries

Definition 1 - Edge Support(支持度)

denote:sup(e) = k

Definition 2 - Subgraph Trussness

denote:$\tau(G’) = k$

Definition 3 - Triangle Adjacency

denote:${\Delta_1 \bigcap \Delta_2} \neq {\phi} $

Definition 4 - Triangle Connectivity

denote:$\Delta_s \leftrightarrow \Delta_t$

这个概念相对于定义3差不多,只是补充说明了如果两个三角形是连接的,但不一定是邻接的,只要中间存在一系列的三角形进行传递,则两个三角形中的任意边可表示为$e \leftrightarrow e’$.
Consider two triangles s and t in G. They are connected, denoted as $e \leftrightarrow e’$.

  1. 这两条边在同一个三角形里面
  2. 两个三角形是连接的,则这任意两条边是连接的。$e \leftrightarrow e’$.

They are connected, denoted as $\Delta_s \leftrightarrow \Delta_t$, if there exist a sequence of n triangles $\Delta_1, …, \Delta_n$ in G (n >= 2), such that $\Delta_1 = \Delta_s, \Delta_n = \Delta_t,$ and for 1 <= i < n, $\Deltai \bigcap \Delta{i + 1} \neq \phi $.


Definition 5 - k-truss Community

  1. G’ is a k-truss
  2. $\forall e,e’ \in E_{G’}, e \leftrightarrow e’$

find all k-truss communities containing query vertex q.


k-core (each vertex in a k-core has its degree no less than k)

Truss is defined on the higher-order graph motif, triangle, and enjoys numerous advantages in community modelling and computation : a k-truss is a (k - 1)-core but not vice versa; a k-truss is (k - 1)-edge-connected: any deletion of fewer than (k - 1) edges will not disconnect a k-truss; a ktruss with n vertices has its diameter no more than $\left \lfloor {\frac{2n - 2}{k}} \right \rfloor$; that is, a k-truss is diameter-bounded.

An improved algorithm was further proposed based on triangle enumeration in O(|EG|^{3/2}) time . A similar I/O-ecient algorithm for k-truss computation was designed and facilitated by graph database technologies . A parallel method, PETA, can detect local k-trusses within a few iterations, and it has the same complexity as corresponding serial algorithms .

Graph Summarization



Definition 7 - Edge Trussness

denote:$\tau(e) = k$

truss = 支持度 + 2

is the maximum subgraph trussness of a subgraph $G \in G$ that involves e as a constituent edge, i.e., $\tau (e) = maxG \subseteq G{\tau (G) : e \in E_{G *}}.$

compute edge supports in O(|E|^1.5)

The time complexity of Algorithm 1 is O(|EG| ^1.5) and its space complexity is O(|VG| + |EG|) .

Definition 8 - k-triangle


Definition 9 - k-triangle connectivity

跟定义8相近。no, no, no。连接是中间可以有一系列的三角形。相邻的三角形的有公共边,并且公共边的truss值为k。强调公共边不能超过k,否则也不算k-triangle connectivity。

Definition 10 - k-truss equivalence


Theorem 1. k-truss equivalence is an equivalence relation upon EG.


4.1 Index Design and Construction

a graph-structured index, EquiTruss. EquiTruss allows incremental update when G changes dynamically.

  • super-node
  • super-edge

processed is a Boolean variable indicating whether e has been examined in index construction, and is initialized to FALSE (Line 3); list is a set of super-node identifies, each of which represents a previously explored super-node, µ, where ⌧ (µ) < k, and µ is triangle-connected to the current super-node, ⌫ (⌧ (⌫) = k), via the edge e. The e.list is initialized as an empty set (Line 4).

Theorem 2. EquiTruss can be constructed in O(|EG|^1.5) time and O(|EG|) space by Algorithm 2.

4.2 Community Search on EquiTruss

Theorem 3. Given a query vertex q 2 VG and the truss value k, Algorithm 3 correctly computes all k-truss communities containing v.

4.3 Dynamic Maintenance of EquiTruss
