

不想要字节对齐的时候,有没有办法取消字节对齐?答案是可以,就是在结构体声明当中,加上attribute ((packed))关键字,它可以做到让我们的结构体,按照紧凑排列的方式,占用内存。

#include <stdio.h>

#define ATTR_PACKED __attribute__ ((__packed__))

struct exam1 {
    char c;
    int  i;

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) exam2 {
    char c;
    int  i;

struct exam3 {
    char c;
    int  i;

int main()
    printf("char: %ld, int: %ld\n", sizeof(char), sizeof(int));
    printf("exam1: %ld, exam2: %ld, exam3: %ld\n", sizeof(struct exam1), sizeof(struct exam2), sizeof(struct exam3));
    return 0;
char: 1, int: 4
exam1: 8, exam2: 5, exam3: 5

可以使用#pragma pack (n)来指定数据结构的对齐值。



#define __attribute_used__ __attribute__((__used__))
#define __attribute_unused__ __attribute__((__unused__))

在gcc手册中找到了有关的解释: unused:This attribute, attached to a function, means that the function is meant to be possibly unused. GCC will not produce a warning for this function.


used: This attribute, attached to a function, means that code must be emitted for the function even if it appears that the function is not referenced. This is useful, for example, when the function is referenced only in inline assembly.



attribute((alias)): 为一个symbol声明一个别名

https://www.cnblogs.com/moonflow/archive/2012/08/14/2637874.html https://www.cnblogs.com/yuxiaoyiyou/p/13518968.html


#if defined(_WIN32)
# define USB_PACKED __attribute__((gcc_struct, packed))
# define USB_PACKED __attribute__((packed))

/* binary representation */
typedef struct USBDescriptor {
    uint8_t                   bLength;
    uint8_t                   bDescriptorType;
    union {
        struct {
            uint8_t           bcdUSB_lo;
            uint8_t           bcdUSB_hi;
            uint8_t           bDeviceClass;
            uint8_t           bDeviceSubClass;
            uint8_t           bDeviceProtocol;
            uint8_t           bMaxPacketSize0;
            uint8_t           idVendor_lo;
            uint8_t           idVendor_hi;
            uint8_t           idProduct_lo;
            uint8_t           idProduct_hi;
            uint8_t           bcdDevice_lo;
            uint8_t           bcdDevice_hi;
            uint8_t           iManufacturer;
            uint8_t           iProduct;
            uint8_t           iSerialNumber;
            uint8_t           bNumConfigurations;
        } device;
        struct {
            uint8_t           bcdUSB_lo;
            uint8_t           bcdUSB_hi;
            uint8_t           bDeviceClass;
            uint8_t           bDeviceSubClass;
            uint8_t           bDeviceProtocol;
            uint8_t           bMaxPacketSize0;
            uint8_t           bNumConfigurations;
            uint8_t           bReserved;
        } device_qualifier;
        struct {
            uint8_t           wTotalLength_lo;
            uint8_t           wTotalLength_hi;
            uint8_t           bNumInterfaces;
            uint8_t           bConfigurationValue;
            uint8_t           iConfiguration;
            uint8_t           bmAttributes;
            uint8_t           bMaxPower;
        } config;
        struct {
            uint8_t           bInterfaceNumber;
            uint8_t           bAlternateSetting;
            uint8_t           bNumEndpoints;
            uint8_t           bInterfaceClass;
            uint8_t           bInterfaceSubClass;
            uint8_t           bInterfaceProtocol;
            uint8_t           iInterface;
        } interface;
        struct {
            uint8_t           bEndpointAddress;
            uint8_t           bmAttributes;
            uint8_t           wMaxPacketSize_lo;
            uint8_t           wMaxPacketSize_hi;
            uint8_t           bInterval;
            uint8_t           bRefresh;        /* only audio ep */
            uint8_t           bSynchAddress;   /* only audio ep */
        } endpoint;
        struct {
            uint8_t           bMaxBurst;
            uint8_t           bmAttributes;
            uint8_t           wBytesPerInterval_lo;
            uint8_t           wBytesPerInterval_hi;
        } super_endpoint;
        struct {
            uint8_t           wTotalLength_lo;
            uint8_t           wTotalLength_hi;
            uint8_t           bNumDeviceCaps;
        } bos;
        struct {
            uint8_t           bDevCapabilityType;
            union {
                struct {
                    uint8_t   bmAttributes_1;
                    uint8_t   bmAttributes_2;
                    uint8_t   bmAttributes_3;
                    uint8_t   bmAttributes_4;
                } usb2_ext;
                struct {
                    uint8_t   bmAttributes;
                    uint8_t   wSpeedsSupported_lo;
                    uint8_t   wSpeedsSupported_hi;
                    uint8_t   bFunctionalitySupport;
                    uint8_t   bU1DevExitLat;
                    uint8_t   wU2DevExitLat_lo;
                    uint8_t   wU2DevExitLat_hi;
                } super;
            } u;
        } cap;
    } u;
}USB_PACKED USBDescriptor;


https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Type-Attributes.html https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-4.0.2/gcc/Type-Attributes.html

6.35.7 x86 Type Attributes
Two attributes are currently defined for x86 configurations: ms_struct and gcc_struct.

If packed is used on a structure, or if bit-fields are used it may be that the Microsoft ABI packs them differently than GCC normally packs them. Particularly when moving packed data between functions compiled with GCC and the native Microsoft compiler (either via function call or as data in a file), it may be necessary to access either format.

The ms_struct and gcc_struct attributes correspond to the -mms-bitfields and -mno-ms-bitfields command-line options, respectively; see x86 Options, for details of how structure layout is affected. See x86 Variable Attributes, for information about the corresponding attributes on variables.



[root@ubuntu0006:/media/hankin/vdb/study] #./a.out
ms_struct: 16
gcc_struct: 8
[root@ubuntu0006:/media/hankin/vdb/study] #cat study_gcc_struct.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

struct ms_struct {
    unsigned long long c :1;
    unsigned int a :1;
    unsigned int b :1;
}__attribute__ ((__ms_struct__)); //用于测试Microsoft对齐方式。得到sizeof(fields)结果为16。

struct gcc_struct {
    unsigned long long c :1;
    unsigned int a :1;
    unsigned int b :1;
}__attribute__ ((__gcc_struct__));//用于测试GCC对齐方式。得到sizeof(fields)结果为8。

int main()
    printf("ms_struct: %lu\n", sizeof(ms_struct));
    printf("gcc_struct: %lu\n", sizeof(gcc_struct));
    return 0;

Mircrosoft对齐方式将合并类型相同的a、b,为之分配8个字节,而对于c,则单独分配8个字节,所以上述结构体在此对齐方式下大小为16. GCC对齐方式将不区分类型合并所有的位域,并根据原类型中最大尺寸分配位域保存所需的字节数。譬如对于上述结构,最大尺寸为long long,所以上述结构体大小为8.



#if defined(_WIN32)
    #define USB_PACKED __attribute__((gcc_struct, packed))  微软中取消对齐
    #define USB_PACKED __attribute__((packed))                取消对齐

https://blog.csdn.net/kuwater/article/details/22400929 只能根据上面的帖子猜测是取消对齐,文中有些文字错误。


struct exam1 {
    char  c;
    int  i;
    int  j;
}__attribute__ ((__ms_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam2 {
    char  c;
    int  i;
    int  j;
}__attribute__ ((__gcc_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam3 {
    char  c;
    int  i;
    int  j;

struct exam4 {
    char  c;
    int  i;
    int  j;
}__attribute__ ((ms_struct, packed));

struct exam5 {
    char  c;
    int  i;
    int  j;
}__attribute__ ((gcc_struct, packed));

8 8 8 8 8

struct exam1 {
    uint32_t  c:1;
    uint64_t  i:1;
    uint64_t  j:1;
}__attribute__ ((__ms_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam2 {
    uint32_t  c:1;
    uint64_t  i:1;
    uint64_t  j:1;
}__attribute__ ((__gcc_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam3 {
    uint32_t  c:1;
    uint64_t  i:1;
    uint64_t  j:1;

struct exam4 {
    uint32_t  c:1;
    uint64_t  i:1;
    uint64_t  j:1;
}__attribute__ ((ms_struct, packed));

struct exam5 {
    uint32_t  c:1;
    uint64_t  i:1;
    uint64_t  j:1;
}__attribute__ ((gcc_struct, packed));

16 16 16 16 16

struct exam1 {
    uint32_t  c;
    uint64_t  i;
    uint64_t  j;
}__attribute__ ((__ms_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam2 {
    uint32_t  c;
    uint64_t  i;
    uint64_t  j;
}__attribute__ ((__gcc_struct__, __packed__));

struct exam3 {
    uint32_t  c;
    uint64_t  i;
    uint64_t  j;

struct exam4 {
    uint32_t  c;
    uint64_t  i;
    uint64_t  j;
}__attribute__ ((ms_struct, packed));

struct exam5 {
    uint32_t  c;
    uint64_t  i;
    uint64_t  j;
}__attribute__ ((gcc_struct, packed));

24 24 24 24 24



被这个关键字修饰的函数,其参数都是从右向左通过堆栈传递的(fastcall 的前面部分由ecx,edx传), 函数调用在返回前要由被调用者清理堆栈。 这个关键字主要见于Microsoft Visual C、C++。GNU的C、C++是另外一种修饰方式:attribute__((stdcall))。

stdcall是函数调用约定的一种,函数调用约定主要约束了两件事: 1.参数传递顺序 2.调用堆栈由谁(调用函数或被调用函数)清理 常见的函数调用约定:stdcall cdecl fastcall thiscall naked call stdcall表示 1.参数从右向左压入堆栈 2.函数被调用者修改堆栈 3.函数名(在编译器这个层次)自动加前导的下划线,后面紧跟一个@符号,其后紧跟着参数的尺寸 在win32应用程序里,宏APIENTRY,WINAPI,都表示_stdcall,非常常见。


https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32320399/article/details/53735635 https://blog.csdn.net/slj_win/article/details/33732087

#define WINAPI _stdcall;
#define CALLBACK _stdcall;


而_stdcall是新标准c/c++函数的调用方法,它是采用自动清栈的方式,而标准c调用(_cdecl方法,cdecl是C declare的缩写)采用的是手工清栈的方式。


自动清栈,就是指,由调用者来处理,被调用者不需要处理。 手工清栈,就是指,调用者不会管被调用的函数使用的栈,需要由被调用者自己处理。就是我原来说的cdecl要手工清栈,所以不用担心压进去几个参数无所谓。所以像printf这种就是参数不限的调用,都是用cdecl的,如果是自动清栈的话,他必定有长度要求,清理几个字节的堆栈,所以其他调用方式是不能实现参数个数不限的要求的。 调用约定种类:一共有5种函数调用约定(calling convention),它决定一下内容:

  • 函数参数的压栈顺序
  • 由调用者还是被调用者把参数弹出栈
  • 产生函数修饰名的方法(C者C++在编译和链接的时候会重新给函数起一个名字,而这个名字的起法是根据std_call,cdecl这些来指定的)。


attribute ((format (printf, 2, 3))); 介绍


#ifdef __GNUC__

#if (defined(__GNU__) && defined(_MSC_VER))
   // ...

#if defined __GNUC__
__attribute__((format(printf, 3, 4)))
static void
#if defined __GNUC__
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)))
va_log(struct MyStruct *node, const char *fmt, ...)
    char buf[BUFSIZ];
    va_list ap;
    int n;

    n = sprintf(buf, "hello:");
    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf + n, sizeof(buf) - n, fmt, ap);

va开头可能是varargs缩写 变量ap就不知所措了??? 自定义日志,静态无返回值函数 _attribute告诉要像printf那样检查入参,第2个参数是格式化参数,从第3个参数开始应用这个规则检测。 vsnprintf函数:int vsnprintf (char s, size_t n, const char format, va_list arg );

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