

RapidXml是指 XML DOM解析工具包。 RapidXml 试图成为最快的 XML DOM 解析工具包,同时保证解析结果的可用性、可移植性以及与 W3C 标准的兼容性。RapidXml 使用 C++ 编写,因此在操作同一数据时,其解析速度接近于 strlen() 函数。 整个解析工具包包含在一个头文件中,所以使用时不用编译也不用连接。要想使用 RapidXml 只要包含 rapidxml.hpp 即可,当然如果要用附加功能(如打印函数),你可以包含 rapidxml_print.hpp 文件。 RapidXml 为采用C++语言操作XML提供了机遇,同时结合XMPP协议也开启了诸如Wt、CxServer等基于C++的网络应用在即时通讯领域的更宽广的发展空间。






//! Parses zero-terminated XML string according to given flags. //! Passed string will be modified by the parser, unless rapidxml::parse_non_destructive flag is used. //! The string must persist for the lifetime of the document. //! In case of error, rapidxml::parse_error exception will be thrown. //!

//! If you want to parse contents of a file, you must first load the file into the memory, and pass pointer to its beginning. //! Make sure that data is zero-terminated. //!

//! Document can be parsed into multiple times. //! Each new call to parse removes previous nodes and attributes (if any), but does not clear memory pool. //! \param text XML data to parse; pointer is non-const to denote fact that this data may be modified by the parser.

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