
1、Windows 无法加载这个硬件的设备驱动程序。驱动程序可能已损坏或不见了。39代码



进入注册表计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} 删除Upperfilters和Lowerfilters 两项 重启计算机。搞定

Windows “设备管理器”中的错误代码

2、Iris Pro 电脑防蓝光软件 过滤蓝光保护眼睛

如果你有条件,给自己换个护眼显示器,如果配合Iris Pro,效果会更佳;如果你的情况不允许,那么,Iris Pro 也可以保护你的眼睛。 Iris Pro 是一款专业的防蓝光护眼软件,通过调整屏幕蓝光辐射量。Iris Pro比起那些业余的只能单纯让屏幕变黄来控制眼睛舒适度的软件来说,它的功能可以说是能满足你对显示器控制的所有想象。






打开任务管理器,杀死explorer.exe进程,然后新建任务explorer,结果出现多个explorer进程。 无奈最终还是处于卡死状态,只能重启物理机。

下次可以参考一下网上办法: https://ask.zol.com.cn/x/5104928.html https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_33843409/article/details/92609266

5、内核错误日志Process did not claim interface 0 before use

I would expect a directory called /usbfs and a file within it called usbfs.ko

You can look in /lib/modules/2.6.32-122/modules.dep Search for usbfs and you should find what calls it, or is dependent on it if it is present

You could try moving the whole /usbfs sub dir somewhere else, cd ing to /lib/modules/2.6.32-122/ and running depmod -a to reset modules.dep and then reboot and see if there is a complaint from the touch screen driver and whether it works.

Regards logrotate, this seems a pretty good guide articles.slicehost.com/2010/6/30/underst...ate-on-ubuntu-part-1

You should be able to set the size not to exceed and a default hourly rotate with only 1 older copy being retained, which will cut down things a lot. It is not ideal solution however, hopefully the driver removal and re-installation may do something


供电数据对象(Power Data Object, PDO) 也可能是属性数据对象(Property Data Object, PDO) 最有可能是属性设备对象(Property Device Object, PDO)

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